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Hermle Clock Review

Hermle Clock Review

Hermle is one of the most renown clock brands known around the world for their high quality, mechanical clocks. Franz Hermle started his clock company in 1922 once Germany began recovering from World War I. He focused deeply on the company’s attention to detail and expert craftsmanship, which can still be seen in the clocks they produce today. Exquisite wood selections, stains, paint, designs and movements are what make Hermle such a renown and quality brand.

What Sets Hermle Clocks Apart From Other Brands

Modern Mechanical Movements That Last

During the 1930s, Hermle became world renown for their clock movement manufacturing abilities, leveraging modern advancements in engineering that put them ahead of the competition who still used 19th century methods to manufacture their movements. This advancement increased the efficiency and precision of making the clocks and resulted in a better overall product. This improvement in clock movement can be seen today as well, as Hermle movements are some of the most sought after mechanical movements to date. We’ve continuously seen many of our customers describing the quality of the movements in their Hermle clocks and how long they last.

Hermle Clock Review

A World - Renown Name: Hermle

Hermle Clocks is known around for their wide range of large Grandfather clocks, traditional and modern Wall Clocks, stylish Mantel Clocks and timeless Regulator Clocks. The company has facilities in both the United States and Germany as well, making them a global company that benefits from the skillsets of two nations. Hermle also employs over 500 employees in their workforce that keep a close eye on the quality of the items they produce. You’re buying a name you can trust, a name that has stood the test of time in the clock industry for 100 years and will continue to into the future.

Hermle Chigwell Limited Edition Mechanical Table Clock - Made in Germany

Great Customer Support and U.S. Inventory

Here at Time For a Clock, we’ve partnered with Hermle directly to help provide the best customer service and purchasing experience possible when searching for your next quality clock. Hermle inventory is held in the U.S. in North Carolina, and has some of the most experienced and best customer service in the home decor industry. We mean it when we say that as well. We’ve had an wide variety of questions come in over the years and have always had a prompt response and answer to any very manufacturer specific inquiries about the builds of Hermle clocks. We make this communication as smooth as it can possibly be between Hermle and our customers, leaving everyone happy at the end of the day.

Our Favorite Hermle Clocks and Collections

Hermle Wall Clocks and Regulators

Hermle has a wide variety of quality wall clocks, ranging from traditional and nautical designs, to more modern and contemporary stylings. They offer clocks with and without pendulums, mechanical and quartz movements, and a large assortment of wooden finishes to compliment the space the clock ends up calling home.

Some of our favorite clocks in the Hermle Regulator collection are the Greenwich Mechanical Regulator, the Kendal Mechanical Regulator and the Kingsland Mechanical Regulator. All of these clocks are extremely elegant in design, covering a large vertical area on your wall with some of the finest metallic and wooden finishes you can find in a mechanical clock in recent times. These clocks come with beautiful chimes and mechanical, weight driven movements with sturdy power reserves.

Greenwich Mechanical Regulator Clock Found Here
Available in Light Cherry, Walnut & Black

Kendal Mechanical Regulator Clock Found Here

Kendal Mechanical Regulator

Kingsland Mechanical Regulator Clock Found Here


Hermle Grandfather Clocks

In addition to marvelous wall clocks, Hermle offers a wide collection of majestic grandfather clocks of various heights, statures, finishes and price points. Options range from their most elegant and stately models such as the Berlin Grandfather Clock and Biltmore Grandfather Clock to charming Nicolette and Alexandria Grandfather and Grandmother Clocks. Solid wood construction and marvelous nickel and brass pendulums and chimes bring these large, mechanical grandfather clocks to life as you feel their presence in any room they occupy. Designed to stand the test of time and be passed down through the generations, Hermle Grandfather Clocks are as good as they get, upholding classic and quality clockmaking tradition and craftsmanship.

Berlin Grandfather Clock Found Here 

Biltmore Grandfather Clock Found Here

Nicolette Grandfather Clock Found Here

Alexandria Grandmother Clock Found Here
Available in Black, White, Cherry & Light Blue

 Alexandria Grandmother Clock

Hermle Mantel and Desk Clocks

Hermle makes a wonderful assortment of mantel and desk clocks ranging from astro clocks to traditional carriage clocks. In addition, they produce skeleton desk clocks which allow the viewer to see the inner workings of the mechanical movements in real time without any barriers or glass to obstruct the view. Some of our favorite table clocks are the astro and tellurium series of clocks by Hermle. The Astro Tellurium I, II and original are some of Hermle’s finest clocks ever made. They feature movements that illustrate and track the movement of the planets, sun, rotation of the earth and orbit of the moon as well. You can experience the wonders of space in your own room as a Tellurium clock tracks the movement of the solar system in real time using mechanically stored energy to do so. If you’re looking for the same quality in solar system tracking at a lower price point, the Astrolabium is a great option as well, featuring a quartz movement and Hermle’s same, legendary quality build.

Astro Tellurium Mantel Clock Found Here
Available in Nickel & Brass

 Astro Tellurium Mantel Clock

Tellurium I Mantel Clock Found Here
Available in Light Cherry & Black

Hermle Tellurium I Mechanical Mantel Clock

Tellurium II Mantel Clock Found Here

Hermle Tellurium II Mechanical Luxury Mantel Clock
Astrolabium Quartz Mantel Clock Found Here
Available in Mahogany & Black

Hermle Astrolabium Quartz Mantel Clock


For 100 years, Hermle has set the stage and standard for quality clock movements and timepieces. They continue to push forward and innovate with modern designs as well as uphold antique traditional styles. Hermle movements are found in a wide variety of other clock makers internals as well, which goes to show their superiority in the field of mechanical movements and clock parts. From grandfather clocks, mechanical regulators and wall clocks to mantel, desk and astro tellurium clocks, Hermle does it all and they do it all very well. You’ll be happy with your purchase of any Hermle Clock product we offer, and we are here to assist every step of the way.

Feel free to give us a call or text anytime. We’re here to help.

Click Here To See Our Entire Hermle Clock Collection
Check Out Our Hermle Astronomical and Tellurium Clocks Review
Check Out Our Hermle Berlin Grandfather Clock Review
Check Out Our Hermle Regulator Wall Clocks Review