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Insured Shipping on All Products. Now available in United States, Canada, Australia and the UK.
Insured Shipping on All Products. Now available in the United States, Canada, Australia and the UK.

Antartidee Return Policy

Buyers, under art. 5 of Leg. Decree no. 185 of 22 May 1999, are entitled to return their order within ten days of delivery.

Requests of return require sending a registered letter within the deadline above, i.e. confirmed telegram or fax within the following 48 hours through a registered letter, to the following address: 
Antartidee s.n.c. - Via Carlo Boetti n. 10 - 42124 Reggio Emilia - Italy

The registered letter must include the shipping slip for the returned items, at the buyer's expense, sent to the address as indicated above.

Buyers who return purchased items shall be refunded through a non-transferable nominal bank check in the name of the buyer indicated in the order or bank transfer.

The refunded value shall correspond to the price of the ordered goods. The refunded amount does not include packaging and handling (shipping).